Thursday 2 June 2011

How to -Curly and Voluminous Hair

Michelle's Style File asked for a tutorial on my hair in this post and some others(like Kristina Lennon-fashion's answer to miss marple!) complimented it and commented on it as well(i thank all who did).So here it goes:
1.after washing my hair I let the hair dry out partially so it isn't dripping wet.
2.I divide my hair in two parts(the same way you would for a half up half down hairdo).
3.twist the the upper portion.Then hold it firmly and push it slightly forward to create a pouf.
4.hold it in position and wrap the twisted portion around itself. the same for the lower portion and secure them with bobby pins.
I know it looks very weird.I love going around the house like this

I left this overnight and before opening it I sprayed some hairspray about 15-20mins ahead of opening.

That is all I did.
Other methods-
Blow drying the hair upside down after shower creates a lot of width in my hair.
I also sometimes use the l'oreal studio line volumizing mousse. It is an awesome product.

I don't like teasing my hair it totally ruins it and I already have thin hair; I don't want to damage it further. And it's also a lot of work;not long-lasting either. I have found out most of these by searching for the easiest methods in less than 10 minutes on google and youtube when I had nothing else to do. These are for all people who are lazy like me or just are in a time crunch. 
Some days I don't even brush my hair and bunch it up in a top bun and leave because i am too sleepy to do anything.

 Have Been Listening to one of my All Time Favourites.Enjoy
P.S.- Thank you for the feauture Caramellitsa.Check her blog out. And see my feature here.


  1. Again I wish I had your hair.. My hair is so thin, nothing happens with it :/

  2. Wow, simple yet elegant. Love it..

  3. Sweet of you to share your tricks! xxx

  4. Great tut! Thanks for sharing. This seems to easy- I'll be sure to give it a try : )

  5. love this post!!! so cool tips :DD
    my hair is really curly but my sisters' is not so i ll tell her :DD

    kisses <3


  6. I will have to try this. It looks so full and beautiful! Thank you for your sweet comment! Kiah

  7. Wow the result is gorgeous! A really helpful hint also is the product you used- it can have such an effect on holding the style. I'm going to have to try this out, hopefully it will work on my shorter hair! x

  8. YAY...great tips and most beautiful, gorgeous hair!!


  9. Adorei seu cantinho.
    Estou te seguindo, me siga também pra
    trocarmos figurinhas. Beijinhos

  10. Great trick and thanks for the link miss :')

  11. I like your hair!!!


  12. 1. you have gorgeous hair
    2. that is one of my FAVORITE songs ever. the opening to jolene gives me goosebumps every time!
    3. thanks for your comment :)

  13. great hair tutorial! looks great. thanks for stopping by

  14. Wish I'm good at doing my hair :)
