Thursday, 7 February 2013

This Morning Is About Books

Yes it is. It is only Thursday and the week is not yet over. But I need the morning to brush my fingers against the 3 I have acquired recently and the 7 that are due back in the library already. Time seems to whoosh by me and I feel like I have been left behind again. And I feel at peace. I feel at peace. I am left alone to my thoughts and I can get lost in my make-believe universe once more with no one whispering in my ear that I will be left behind. Too many people, too many minds, too many things bog me down, numb me away slowly. So this is my retreat. A sunny day with as little humidity as today is ideal. I feel like happy thoughts are within reach when I breathe in the sunshine. This drop-off-the-earth syndrome may make me seem erratic but I won't promise you today that I would be there, I won't tell you to hold the seat for me because I won't be there. I will be here with myself unless you really need me. I am going to feel the lightness of being today, away from the traffic jam of 40 other minds.

madame bovary, the wretched of the earth, frantz fanon, the outsider, albert camus
madame bovary by flaubert, the wretched of the earth by frantz fanon, the outsider by albert camus


  1. As usual good1. Ur mind speak well and you interpret it very well...

  2. Write more, I could read your words forever! Love The Outsider, it's been 25 years since I last read it but the story still lives with me. xxx

    1. thank you so much vix!words like these encourage me to write more.i am really looking forward to reading The Outsider. I have read Madame Bovary already, I needed it as a part of my collection.

  3. Thats so cool !! A good read is quite refreshing :)


  4. Books are absolutely fantastic and can help you escape reality!

  5. Aaah! Your description of the mildly sunny day spent in the company of good reads seems so perfectly blissful....*sigh*
    I can spend my days like this forever!

  6. Camus is one of my all time favourites too! The effect is visible,sweetie.

  7. I can't wait to read on public transportation in a few months!

  8. Debi, this is so beautiful! You gave me a mind trip! HaHaHa
