Thursday, 30 April 2015

Women In Leadership

So, I talk about equal opportunity and equal rights quite often on this blog and my other social media channels. I have identified as a feminist ever since I was in school. Feminism is a cool word now. Just look around and see how many mainstream channels are adopting it to sell their products now. It is also deemed a dirty word and many like to stay away from it because some people just have a severely misinformed notion about it. Many of these mainstream channels, which are often misguided in their knowledge, help in fanning such wrong notions. Feminism is not about man-hating. Feminism in fact fights for equality and justice among all genders. Men are expected to be a certain way, and do certain things in this patriarchal society which is often detrimental to their mental and physical health. A society cannot function well when any of the genders suffer. Today feminism is largely about intersectionality as well.
I have heard a lot of arguments from people (some level headed, some just fizzled down to name calling) who believe all the bad things about feminism. From what I understood every time, these people are either misinformed or talking about personal experiences with the faux-feminists. The faux-feminists are the ones who love shouting "equal rights" without caring to understand the actual meaning. But, I do not understand, why form your opinion about an entire movement that has done so much good (and still is doing so)  based on your personal experience with a certain bad egg? If you are a religious person, would you change your opinion about it and God in general just because that one time a holy man was accused of raping women and little boys? Would you stop believing in religion because some people choose to completely twist the holy words and use it to unleash terror in the world?

Feminism is the reason women got the right to be deemed as human beings with rational thoughts. We got the right to vote, to property. And all this culminated into a world where seeing a woman in a leadership position is a possibility. Women have reached the top in almost every field. The situation is not so good in some countries. Women have an amazingly strong support system now all across the globe. There are entrepreneurs who have successfully started their own ventures from their very own homes and gone big. Social media has helped such ventures like it couldn't be imagined before. I can count myself as one such person. I own a website and my words reach out to so many people, all thanks to social media. But, even today jokes about women leaders persist. Stereotypes about women leaders still need to be crushed. If you believe feminism is not necessary in today's world any more, to create a space for women leaders then just head over to this blog to read about Shit People Say to Women Directors.We need to fight for a tomorrow where women do not need to exist through patriarchal bargaining or suffering or unjust name calling. 

I teamed up with SheThePeople who are running a contest where you can share your own stories and opinion pieces that revolve around the theme of #EveryWomanIsALeader. Enter to win an all expenses paid trip to an exciting destination. Check out the simple guidelines *here*.

Follow on facebook for more - Project Curve


  1. I liked the second quote - In future, there will be no female leaders but only leaders. It is strange how much the sexist view is prevalent even in the so called innocent and simple words we use.. The roots are really deep and far..

    1. Words have so much power. And we often underestimate them a lot.

  2. Well written post.. it was interesting2 read ur thoughts !

  3. I would totally love to read your views on such issues more on the blog! All the best for the contest! :)

    1. Anu I am not participating, I am promoting it. Please do take part in it and share your opinions. I would love to read them.

  4. The Sheryl Sanberg quote is good. There was a radio show about how to encourage women into a career in engineering earlier today. The engineer interviewed said that in the future she dreamt of being asked about her engineering projects rather than being a female. x

    1. Absolutely waiting for a day like that where women (and everyone else) are seen for what they are capable of, their talents and strengths and not just their genders.

  5. It's so important, because we still have a really long way to go. Here in the States, Hillary Clinton catches a lot of flack for standing up to men and enforcing policies she believes in. When you stand up, you're often called a bitch which is so unfortunate. It's really bad in a lot of countries. Women still have no say, have to be covered up, can't drive! They want to, but either their husbands or government or both don't allow it. So stifled. I feel for them. I feel for the women that raped in India. Just recently Sabeen Mahumud was assassinated for her opinions and speeches. So no, not enough has been done.

    1. I feel bad for the women raped and molested all over the world. And clearly we still exist in a sexist world and still a loooot needs to be done.
      I read an interesting comment yesterday on a feminist page I follow...that people who do not like Hillary's policies should stick to criticising just that, and not because she's a woman.

  6. Such a beautiful post...n so well written. I love the new name of ur blog. more power to u girl.

